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Precise Carbon Footprint Reporting across your Entire Organization

A scalable ERP specifically designed to support and report on sustainability activity across the entire spectrum. Instant and real-time carbon footprint reporting on everything - not calculated but based on real data. Recycling activity, energy use, business travel, employee comuting, freight, manufacturing, raw material consumption or whatever else might impact your carbon footprint.  All at your fingertips.


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This page is first going to show you the primary reporting mechanism which we call the Sustainability Dashboard. This is how the data in ROMS gets reported. Further down the page we will explain how the data is initially captured.  In the dashboard there are 3 primary sections, Level, Data and Graph. At any time you may switch between the 3 and refine what appears in the Data tab or the Graph tab. Whatever data was in the data tab grid will be represented visually in the graph tab. Other graph types are also available. The goal is to be able to show, by month over, say, the last 5 years the total CO2 Footprint at whatever Entity Level you have selected. Significantly, this is all supported by real data. The difference between the Recyclesoft solution and what you are probably doing now is far more than just simplicity and scope. 

So, If you are currently  wrestling with multiple spreadsheets just to solve a small part of the puzzle, call us on +1 (602) 317 3981 and we would be delighted to show you more!


We have now 'drilled into' the Energy Use category. In the example, looking at the grid you can see there are 2 subcategories, diesel & electricity. You will also see that  within the electricity subcategory there are 3 types of electricity; Non Renewable (traditional gas, coal or oil fired powerstations), Renewable (Wind, solar or hydro) and Self Renewable (solar panels on the office roof). You can also see where instead of Weight we are now reporting Carbon Footprint - see section marked 1. Also, we are now looking at the detail rather than the summary (see section marked 2). This is now showing the raw data in ROMS. Anything showing in the grid may be instantly exported to Excel. A very interesting point to note is shown at section marked 3. You will see that the CO2 Footprinnt for elf Renewable is a negative number. Thi is because you are putting electricity into the grid, not taking it out.

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The Dashboard is accessed from any browser. There is a date range set by the user which defaults to the prior 6 months.

Focus your attention on the region marked with a 1. This is the Entity Level. All data in the grid to the right (2) pertains to the Entity Level selected. If you were at the top level, USA Parent you would see data related to the entirety of the USA for the date range selected. If you just wanted to look at Arizona data you would merely click down a level and the grid would show only Arizona data. You could continue all the way to an individual facility or even shipment. The cursor is currently on 'Maricopa' which we can see is a distribution hub level which we can see services 2 facilities.

The grid marked with a 2 shows the Distribution Level summary for the organization. You may have an unlimited number of 'levels' which will depend on yor organizational structure. 

Note the dropdown that is displaying 'Everything'. This is what is referred to as the Category level. You can further drill into the Category level by clicking the hyperlink. This will display the Sub Categories for that category. An example would be for the Energy Use category, but drilled in further to show just electricity. An example of this is shown in the previous section.

You are not alone if you spend a considerable time asking yourself, 'How do I even count all this'? You may have hundreds or even thousands of facilities worldwide, all generating carbon in hundreds of different ways. Add to this your recyclables - how to track these to make sure they don't end up in a landfill? You have containers on ships, you have thousands of flights each year, you run fleets of trucks and have multiple manufacturing facilities. Are you going to count all this too? The answer is yes, you are. The goal i to capture your entire carbon footprint, accurately and capable of withtanding peer review. The question then becomes how?

There is an old adage - If you can't count it, you don't actually have it. You can guess but it is not the same as having real, verifiable data. Guestimates on spreadsheets do not stand up well against even perfunctory peer review. There is no substitute to being able to say, with certainty, 'Our carbon footprint for last year or month was X. The year or month prior it was Y. We have therefore reduced our carbon footprint by 12.2%. This would also withstand a critical peer review process.


Solving the 'how' question is actually easier than the complexity of the problem would suggest. The solution lies in a completely new software genre - one designed from the ground up to solve precisely this. ROMS (Recycling Operations Management System) is an enterprise scale ERP specifically designed to support  sustainability activity and to report on the activity. 

So how does it work? ROMS is a database and a key element of ROMS is built around the carbon footprint (CF) of something, anything. To relate this number to our world we added some other metrics, a unit of measure is one example.  Per Kwh, mile, KG, minute, gallon, hour and many more. So now we have a CF number per Kilowatt Hour (if we were counting electricity usage).  Now we just need to know how the electricity was generated, coal, gas, wind, hydro, solar etc. Lastly we just need to count things.

This is actually the easy part. All of your facilities get an electricity or gas bill so we just take the data from your accounting system api. You book travel, that goes into a system too. Your HR knows who works remotely and when - commuting metrics in other words. You probably have a fleet management system for your trucks - more pieces of data to suck into ROMS.


The tricky piece is to capture the bale of cardboard produced in the loading dock at a facility in Sao Paulo, Brazil by someone who doesn't speak or read English. Well, we have an App for that which 'knows' where it is and who logged in. We are in Brazil and employee Juan logged in so the default language can be set to Portugese. The same thing exists in ROMS - any language display. Juan just selects the picture of a cardboard bale (we already know the average weight) and now you have that data too. All instantly sent to ROMS. Everyone also has acess to ROMS so anything not gathered electronically or by the App can be manually entered as well.

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The New Standard for Global Recycling Reporting

Real-time worldwide recycling reporting with accuracy down to to a single pound of material.

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