Wipe an unlimited number of hard drives and test an unlimited number of devices to DOD Standards for just $0.50 per Drive and Test combination. No Subscription Charges.
The Low Cost Data Wipe and Unit Testing Solution
RecycleWipe is the fastest solution to completely remove data from electronic storage devices. Generate a certificate verifying data destruction all from a single easy-to-use application. From a single hard drive to hundreds at a time. Also fully test all components of a unit consistent with R2V3 requirements.
RecycleWipe is a Linux application which uses various Linux utilities to completely zero out drives. It is also fully integrated with ROMS so as drives are wiped they are (optionally) automatically taken into inventory in ROMS and data destruction certificates generated.
The operator logs onto the system (thus recording who performed the wiping operation), then the customer is selected (where the drives came from). A few more optional parameters are set and that is it.
User-friendly device testing & certified data destruction

The RecycleWipe solution is actually two applications working in tandem. There is the ‘Front End’ which is the piece that runs on the hardware being wiped or tested. Then there is the ‘Back End’ which is where the data is stored and reports and/or certificates are generated. We will address the ‘Front End’ first.
The RecycleWipe application itself consists of two parts, there is a bootable Linux instance and a linux executable file which is the RecycleWipe application itself. The bootable Linux element will load a mini version of Linux but one that contains all necessary supporting files so that the RecycleWipe application can do its job. Both of these are bundled into what is called an ISO file which is burned to a DVD, a USB Drive or any boot device. We also support PXEBoot which is where a device boots from files on a network - you can use ours or load this on your own server.
You download the latest ISO file from our Website or directly from our Servers. The next step is to ‘Burn’ the ISO file to the boot device (DVD, USB etc). For this you will use a tool called Rufus which can be downloaded from our website, our servers or directly from the Rufus home page. We have produced a video for instructions on how to use Rufus to burn the ISO file.
The Recyclewipe application communicates with the ‘Back End’ by network cable, a wireless connection or, if no online access is available, by temporarily writing files to a ‘Master’ usb via bluetooth. Once a network connection is next available these files are then uploaded automatically.
We refer to the ‘Back End’ as ROMS which is an acronym for Recycling Operations Management System. This is a 100% web based application hosted on the cloud. Upon registration you will essentially be creating a new instance of ROMS for your organization. Registration will also set you up as a ROMS user with your own access credentials. You will also be registered with the Recyclesoft online store where you can purchase wipe credits.
ROMS and the RecycleWipe application communicate with each other to provide the overall solution. For example, when you log into the RecycleWipe app, those credentials are sent to ROMS for validation and, once validated, will send other metadata which is used by the app. Another example is retrieving customer data. This is the organization or individual on whose behalf the wiping or testing operation is being performed. The customer details are entered into ROMS for retrieval by the app.
Once any data wipe or testing operations are complete, the app sends all that data back to ROMS. To view that data or to generate certificates for the customer you merely log in to ROMS and go to the relevant menu option. Other videos are available showing you how to do all this.
There is a small requirement for some initial ROMS setup. For example, any specific verbiage you may want printed on any certificates. You can optionally upload a logo which will appear in any reports. You may wish to grant access to your customers so they can see their own data and pull their own reports or certificates.
The version of ROMS initially registered is a cut down version which will allow you to fully use the RecycleWipe app. This can be upgraded to the full version at any time.
Perhaps you don't want to wipe drives and only need to test units? Or you don't need to test, you only want to wipe drives. If you are testing a laptop then you want to test the screen display, otherwise not. Settings is set by management and access is only visible to users with rights above a certain level.
You are also able to select the default erasure methodology depending on which standard you need to comply with.
Settings allows Management to set Defaults for Users

RecycleWipe will present a list of all drives present in the host machine. For bulk wiping of loose drives, Recyclewipe will display each drive in a grid which maps to the container holding the loose drives. Any failed drives will be marked in red.
All Drives in the Host Machine

Data security is massively important today. It is not possible to overemphasize how central this topic should be to any corporate body storing anything electronically. The initial problem is how to completely erase data when a storage device is retired.
One solution is to put the storage device is through a shredder. This doesn’t destroy the data but it does make it inaccessible. Some problems with data shredding:
Shredding machinery is expensive.
It is not consistent with the R2 standard which recommends reuse where possible.
It destroys value.
Why destroy a perfectly good storage device?
If the storage device is a ‘solid state’ type, shredding alone may not be sufficient.
There is a better solution.
The Importance Of Data Security

RecycleSoft has created RecycleWipe which is a program that completely erases ALL data on a storage device, but not only this, it verifies that all data is erased. It will also test and report back everything regarding the host machine.The program communicates with ROMS which is a secure and fast complete ERP for Electronics and Ewaste operators.
For many industries, healthcare for example, destruction of data is not sufficient; one must be able to prove that the data has been destroyed. This means keeping records, either on paper or electronically.
Both RecycleWipe and ROMS are fully R2V3 compliant. In fact everything in ROMS is R2V3 compliant, including the requirement that a data recovery attempt be made.
Unlimited Test and Hard Drive Erasure for a Single Yearly Subscription.

Recyclewipe sends a JSON file back to ROMS in what is referred to as the 'body' parameter (thus secure) containing all details about that unit together with test results. An option in Recyclewipe settings allows all tested units to be taken into stock, with or without the hard drive(s).
All data is Sent to ROMS in a JSON File

Once the wiping process begins, Recyclewipe displays each disk and shows a progress bar to show % completed for the selected wiping method. RecycleWipe supports multiple wipe methodologies. Should you be using a 'container' to wipe multiple loose drives these would be displayed in a grid.
A Progress Bar Displays for Each Drive

RecycleSoft is extremely simple to use. Simply install the ISO on a USB Drive, boot from the USB which will start RecycleWipe automatically. Then Login with your ROMS credentials. After this, select the customer who should recieve the datawipe certificates. All that remains is to select the disks to wipe and click the start button. RecycleWipe will show the progress of the wiping process and will advise you when complete.
RecycleWipe will also test any item that it is run against and report these metrics back to ROMS. So, motherboard, cpu's, memory, screen, sound and video cards; everything!
Once drives have been wiped, users have the option to run a data recovery attempt on selected drives. The results of this attempt are also sent to ROMS. New R2V3 guidelines require this on at least 5% of drives being wiped. The image to the left shows the final result of a completely independent data recovery attempt.
RecycleWipe Usage

At this point, all data has been sent to ROMS. You now have the option to reload any disks or go back to any point in the process. All the data will ba available to you (or your customers) should you grant access.
Process Complete

Video Explaining Registration
Installing Rufus and Burning the RecycleWipe ISO to a USB Drive
RecycleWipe Operation Full Video.

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