The RecycleSoft platform provides high-level real-time reporting but does not require complicated software training.
All that is required is a small group to administer an element of the RecycleSoft platform called ROMS (Recycling Operations Management System) or we can do this on your behalf.

Your challenge is to report, down to the pound, by date range, absolutely all of your recycling worldwide, in real-time, at any level; Worldwide, by Continent, Country, State, City, location or individual sub-contractor. If a subcontractor handles batteries you need to know the weights of lithium ion, lead acid, alkaline, nickel cadmium, where and when they came from and where and when they were shipped to. If needed you want to see the individual Bills of Lading.
You are the Chief Environmental Officer at a Fortune 500 corporation with operations in all continents. You manufacture a variety of carbonated drinks and snacks and have around 250K employees. You produce a huge range of recyclables from E-waste to plastics, batteries to lighting, cardboard to truck tires – the entire spectrum in large quantities. In North America alone you have 500+ distribution centers. In most instances any recycling is done by 3rd parties subcontracted for a given role – you have thousands of subcontractors just in the US who also produce waste on your behalf.

ROMS needs to know all of the locations where any recycling takes place and exactly what is recycled there. We also tell ROMS about any subcontractors who recycle on your behalf and what material they process from which of your locations.
There is some IT/systems work to link ROMS with existing databases so that we are not duplicating data.
The subcontractor has the ability to use ROMS directly if they wish but that is probably step 2.

Keeping things simple to better illustrate a point, we’ll say that you have a subcontractor who picks up baled cardboard from 1 of your locations. ROMS knows this. The person baling the cardboard (probably one of your employees) downloads a RecycleSoft App (or you can provide a tablet or access to a browser). The App ‘knows’ where it is (and who is logged on) therefore ROMS does and therefore knows you are baling cardboard. The app will show a picture of a bale of cardboard. Once the bale is weighed, your employee taps the picture, enters the weight and clicks ‘OK’. Now Recyclesoft knows you have just produced, say, a 325 Lb bale of cardboard and it knows where that bale is. The week progresses until you have 30 bales of cardboard, all in ROMS.

Ultimately your subcontractor arrives who also has the App. Different login so ROMS knows who they are and where they are from plus ROMS knows they recycle cardboard for the current location. The 30 bales get picked up and unloaded at the subcontractors warehouse. Either your employee OR the subcontractor (or both) tell the App that all bales have been picked up. ROMS will generate a virtual E-signed BOL showing the bales have been moved to the subcontractor’s warehouse. That you have recycled, say, 9750 Lbs of cardboard is instantly passed to the Reporting layer and the BOL image is available just by clicking a link.

The New Standard for Global Recycling Reporting
Real-time worldwide recycling reporting with accuracy down to to a single pound of material.